The Wind Orchestra Izola was established in May 1875 by Niccolo’ and Domenico Benvenuti. Initially, the orchestra consisted of 30 members, mostly amateurs and self-taught musicians. The first conductor was Luigi Boccia. Before 1879, the orchestra was named »Bandina« or »Piccola banda«, later renamed to »Banda musicale Isolana«. Since 2007, the orchestra has been under the direction of the current conductor, Prof. Mirko Orlač. Under his leadership, the orchestra has achieved numerous successes. In 2007, it won a silver award at the International Wind Orchestra Competition in Novo Mesto , followed by another silver award in 2008 at the National competition in Laško. Additionally, it won third prize at an international competition in Bertiolo, Italy. In 2010 and 2012, the orchestra participated in international competitions in Riva del Garda, achieving top ranking both times. In April 2011, it won a bronze award and 3rd place at the »Blasmusikfest« competition in Split. In 2013 and 2014m the orchestra competed for the Vinko Štrucl Cup, earning gold awards both times and winning the Vinko Štrucl Cup for best orchestra in its category in 2014.